Welcome to Design Interactive! :)

Welcome! 😊

Design Interactive is a student organization at UW-Madison dedicated to fostering a multidisciplinary community of students who want to explore designing with humans and the planet at the center of their work and are driven by a commitment to leverage technology to improve lives.

Our mission is to provide an accessible product design education for UW-Madison students who are interested in developing an understanding of the design process, an informed awareness of people & contextual needs, and core skills in prototyping. 

We do this through offering intro-friendly workshops, hands-on projects, guest speakers, and curated resources! Learn more on our Design Interactive website.

About Our Weekly Newsletter

Each week, we send out an email newsletter after our Monday night meetings (6:00-7:00pm in the iSchool Rm 4191F).

This newsletter offers meeting recaps, design-related opportunities, community design events in the Madison area, and more!

Subscribe to Design Interactive

Design Interactive is a student organization @ UW-Madison exploring the intersection between design & technology.